Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or highly skilled competitive golfer, you’ll find many instruction options available at each Golf Channel Academy facility to fit your performance goals and budget.

The IGA Junior Golf Academy is for all juniors ages 5-18. This program is designed to teach juniors golf fundamentals, proper etiquette, and rules of the game, with a major emphasis on having FUN! The JGA will begin on June 14 and meet once per week throughout the summer. The program concludes July 26 with the Junior Golf Championship.
The PGAJL is a fun, social, and inclusive opportunity for boys and girls
ages 13 and under to learn and enjoy the game of golf from PGA golf professionals. To be eligible, players must not turn 14 prior to August 1 of the current year. Like many recreational youth sports, participants wear numbered jerseys and play on teams with friends. The friendly competition consists of local teams playing one another in a match play scramble format. All matches are 9 holes and every 3 holes is worth a flag (point). Kids must be able to manage their equipment around the golf course on their own. The coaches will decide the number of holes each player will compete in a match.

The Ironworks Golf Academy and Beloit Club is excited to be an official location of the LPGA-USGA Girls Golf program! Golf is a sport girls can play for life, and LPGA-USGA Girls Golf is the program that will help them fall in love with the game! We offer fun “girl-friendly” programming which introduces girls to the game and helps take them from beginner to advanced golfers.
Girls Golf Days will meet at the Beloit Club and indoors at Ironwork's Golf Lab. With the help of the Beloit Club's best LPGA and PGA teaching professionals, these life changing sessions bring girls ages 5 to 16 together for five academies that focus on developing their golf skills through the five E's of Girls Golf. Empower. Enrich. Engage. Exercise. Energize.
To join and for more information download the Girl's Golf app today! Once downloaded, click join a site and search for Girl's Golf of Beloit.
Have questions? Looking for more information?
Email Pamela Saladino at psaladino@ironworksgolfacademy.com or call 608.473.0095
The Winterizer program is designed for students looking to improve their game in the off-season. All sessions are held at the Ironworks Golf Lab. Each Winterizer will offer six, 1-hour sessions that will cover: putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing. Programs will meet every other week in the months of January, February, and March.
$300/Student includes six, one-hour sessions.
Spaces are limited! View times and registration information below.
Pamela's Sessions:
Saturdays & Sunday's starting Jan. 4th & 5th. Sessions occur every other week for six weeks.
Ages 5-7: Saturdays 1-2 PM or Sundays 9:15-10:15 AM
Ages 8-10: Saturdays 2:15-3:15 PM or Sundays 10:30-11:30 AM
Ages 11-13: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM or Sundays 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Ages 14-18: Saturdays 4:45-5:45 PM or Sundays 1-2 PM
To register contact Pamela Saladino via email at psaladino@ironworksgolfacademy.com or call 561.459.6067
Dan's Sessions:
Saturdays starting Jan. 11th. Sessions every other week for 6 weeks.
Ages 5-7: Saturdays 11 AM - 12 PM
Ages 8-10: Saturdays 12:15-1:15 PM
Ages 11-13: Saturdays 1:30-2:30 PM
Ages 14-18: Saturdays 2:45-3:45 PM
To register contact Dan Callahan via email at dcallahan@thebeloitclub.com or call 608.473.0095